Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"The Love Zone Brasil/Prague"

You are in the love zone when you say "I love you" & he/she says "I love you" back. If he/she says "And I can't live without you" instead, you are not in the love zone.

You are in the love zone if, when watching Sponge Bob, he/she looks at you and laughs.
You are not in the love zone if, when watching Sponge Bob, all he/she talks about is Random Kardashian/Denzel.

Finally, you are in the love zone if a SWAT team breaks into your house for those past due parking tickets and he/she says I'll have you out in no time!
But, you are not in the love zone if a SWAT team breaks into your house for those past due parking tickets and he/she screams "I'm finally FREE, he/she has a GUN!"

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