Monday, August 6, 2012

“Open House Mouse”

Touring the rather mundane
Yet highly touted backwater
Summer Meet You Business Festival,
Pippin regarded the truth in the phrase
“Nobody likes a rat”.

The restaurants had predictable fare,
The churches focused on soul food,
The food stamp office drew animosity,
From working people jealous of misfortune,
While the plastic plant delivered in spades!

Hoosier Dada Plastics & Novelties
Cafeteria manager Lee D. Cook,
Beamed at the popularity of his
Plasticky Cotton Candy, Cellophane Catfish,
Lonely Nightstand Naugahyde Nougats.

Pippin was overly familiar with
The restaurants from years of snacking,
But he found this cafeteria food quite
Astounding and marveled at how the
Plant workers resembled the food as well.

Especially an AARP man member imitating
Bowser of Sha Na Na in his muscle shirt that
Accentuated his turkey arms and a lumpy,
Dumpy-faced woman with four children &
Four last names eating cake slice big as a baby.

This feminine juggernaut frightened Pippin.
Smeared cake clowned her appearance, plus
She kept winking at a impossibly thin man while
Yodeling “here kitty, kitty”---scariest sound ever
To echo round the matter horn of mouse thought.

Pippin thought to retreat to a church where
Less cat voodoo would likely be heard.
Then he slipped on cake & fell, fell, fell,
Landing on his potato peel bed in his pickle-jar
Home, away from kitty kitty calls &

Disposable People.

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