Saturday, October 13, 2012

“Playing Cornhole Watching ‘Deliverance’”

Squeal like a pig when you win…
Wow! There’s a true cultural renaissance.
Dr. Drew drew two, but
Drew drew only one twisted arm of the
Chatta, Chatta, Chatta, Chattahoochie!

The unfortunate banjo kid,
Autistically picks and grins-
Due to a vaccine reaction and
The truth of corn-mash satisfaction
Administered from without yet within.

Hey Jed, I got CORNHOLE!
Wasn’t a headline of triumph
When piggy went to market
Mountainside with curvy-lipped
Marvin and his 1/3 brother Munt.

Help me Rhonda! This cornhole
Is something your branch knows best.
Why do the of some so you have none want to
Beat It-just Beat It, like the rest?
The gloved one rallies and summons the hole!
Burt’s toupee is on EBAY,
But cornhole is in your bedroom,
Sunroom, skyroom, diningroomtable-
Leave the lost red-haired pooh girl lapped in
Sweet waters Ingles’ parking lot morgue/stable.

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