Monday, October 29, 2012

“The Graverobber’s Lament”

I curse the concrete vaults,
The hybrid sod that stains,
Patio lights, solar candle,
Sage lined coffins of gold,
Caretaker’s dogs, lean & bold.

The jewelry hoarder Auntie,
The greedy bland mortician.
Hard packed dry Summer dirt.
Double-locks of stainless.
Internet plot guard camera rest.

Full Moons Revivals, lightening.
Drunks too broke to brawl or
Bother with yet too boo scared
Sober to pass on out, or about.
Cheap substituted slipper rout.

Buried early, ground has set,
Footstones to pry over away,
Ghosts of relatives not dissolved
Whispering old tongue verses vexed
Their hollow eyes seek me to hex.

Interred with a blessing time takes.
Makes for a longer & harder dig.
Hates me does me the bobber,
Funeral Home master key sobber
Tha’ pinches the corpse ‘fore buried.

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