Sunday, October 14, 2012

“Pyramid or Pin?”

When nightly dream’s rapture
Seeks your soul to capture,
Remember the Alamo, & the Maine.
Remember your private Shania Twain.
Dip a dip and gloss your lip.

The road goes ever on,
Like the black night,
When you stop to rest,
HR will send you a test,
Prick the Pin or Pyramid fright.

Bow hunt a black bear,
Lunch hour boss’ shower scare.
Ready the obelisk to confuse
Pyramid Head’s ruse
Puts your heart in your shoes.

Now you’re trending,
Social mending,
Lots of spaces for
Pin Head’s places
Lowering your soul’s best bid.

Forgotten-soul rotten,
Hanging like a snake on a nail
Walled in the lost cabin of youth
Where sleeping dogs lie,
Under a blood red sky.

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